Change And Growth Moving Us Into A New Age -
We are at a pivotal time here on earth. Humanity has not seen the astrological events that we are experiencing this year for thousands of years.
Stay calm. support your community and your tribe. Culture is being reborn across the world. Citizens are connecting and realizing we are one and really no different from one another. The shifting of our consciousness is inevitable and cannot be stopped by leaders, money, or those who wish to control us.
January was a busy month as the planets, especially Pluto, woke up the world population to speak to the income and class inequality. Calls against the status quo are becoming more prevalent, while the status quo keeps on keeping on doing what they do.
The North Node - Yep, I forgot about it last month.
Part of this wakeup call is due to the transition of the North node of the Moon moving through Pisces January 11 to July 26, 2026. With the North node moving through Pisces, our attention turns toward more awareness, especially spiritual awareness. Alternatives to medical care and the current systems come even further to the forefront as people in this and other countries are comparing their systems to those of their counterparts.
The US TikTok user's ongoing move to Rednote has opened a conversation between American and Chinese citizens. Both sides are exchanging their experiences thus creating a budding sense of cohesiveness among the people of both countries. Americans are seeing what they want, but in another country. This awareness of our oneness will continue to spread. It is the principle of the hundredth monkey. If you do not know what that means, ask your search engine. AI is the 21st century encyclopedia.
Pisces is a compassionate and creative sign. This could be a time when we as individual citizens begin to clear away the clutter of illusion to find that which is real on the inside and the outside of ourselves. Perhaps our mental health will improve. It can also deteriorate, but this astrologer is always hopeful.
Neptune is conjunct the North node February 7. We have felt it for several weeks and will continue to feel for several more weeks. This aspect offers spiritual awakening and will impel people to seek a relationship with spirit. Patterns of our lives and society will change as awareness shifts and healing takes place. This is a great time to explore illusion versus reality. Many of us will ask, “Who am I?”
One very realistic manifestation of Neptune and the North node is a water event that is destructive. Pisces is a water sign so all things water will have our attention in all sort of ways.
At the same time the South node is in earth sign Virgo keeping us grounded in our history and our analytical nature. It helps us to get clear. Since the South node is in Virgo, there are sure to be people criticizing rescue efforts. Yet the armchair critics are less prepared than the professionals. Add to the help and praise those who are challenged. Some of us want to erase history and rewrite over the truth. However, sooner or later truth prevails.
Saturn is conjunct the North node February 20. We are feeling it now. Since the North node is our destiny, Saturn is creating challenges to us individually and en masse. This event is a peak point in our lives in one way or another. Growth is always painful. Remember those charley horses when your body was growing?
This is a time of spiritual renewal. This is a time for groundbreaking, artistic achievements. We may even have a strong leader emerge out of the artistic or entertainment community. The days around Saturn conjunct the North node is also an economic trigger. Saturn is realistic whereas the North node in Pisces is illusion. Fact will come to light at this time.
Jupiter, retrograde in Gemini, since last October 9 turns direct February 4. This is nice for Gemini because all those little slowdowns and bumps in the road will start to go away. Whatever yo want to accomplish will slowly move towards a completion in weeks and months ahead. Wherever Jupiter turns direct in our chart is where doors start to open and opportunities return.
Almost simultaneously, Mercury in Aquarius is trine Jupiter. This should bring good news.
On February 20 Mercury in Pisces is square Jupiter so we're probably going to be overwhelmed with information which is probably not a bad thing since Jupiter is involved. Do not put more on your plate that you can consume.
At the same time Venus moves into Aries and is ready to make bold moves. Take the subtle approach. By the time Venus gets to sextile Pluto February 7 you will know how to handle this new Venus vibe.
Leo and Sagittarius are easily able to handle beautiful bossy people of all sorts. Both signs are extra attractive while Venus is in Aries until May 6.
Back to Jupiter
Jupiter begins to catch up to square Saturn, exact on June 15. Also, remember that Jupiter conjuncted Saturn for the first time in 20 years December 20 of 2020 at of all places, 0° Aquarius. 0° Aquarius has been a very active spot in the zodiac. This square is a bump in the road in the cycle that began December 2020. Power struggles ignite and people will be talking even more about income inequality. Other possibilities are that we have an economic downturn, more changes in alliances, and a push for civil rights for all of us. The debate over internet rules regarding hateful behavior and misinformation will intensify.
Retrograde Mars in Cancer is trine Saturn in Pisces February 9. Something outside of ourselves compels us to pay attention and focus. This is a really good time to take on a long-term project as it will be easy to finish. A constructive approach based on traditional methods easily gets the job done.
Mars, having started this retrograde in Leo, and having backed into Cancer, turns direct February 23. Mars turning direct unleashes Mars power and since it's in Cancer, we see our security as a top priority. The matters of immigration are sure to be in the news. The scuffles that were started with Mars retrograde will fail.
Mars has been out of bounds since December 30 and will remain so until April 7. The good thing about Mars out of bounds is that it brings courage and empowerment to initiate changes. On the negative Mars out of bounds brings conflict, violence, impulsive behavior, unrest and natural disasters. A good example of a person born with Mars out of bounds is Martin Luther King. He remains a hero for civil rights to this day. New heroes are already emerging to lead the people.
Once Mars turns stationary direct situations that have been on hold start to move. We will not complete the Mars opposition to Pluto until April, so dangerous, hateful rhetoric and actions come into play in the next few weeks especially with Mars out of bounds. If you have something to say, use temperance.
February 1
Venus in Pisces is conjunct Neptune in Pisces. This is a love fest, art fest or time to go to an ecstatic dance. Make contact with your true self.
More On February 9
Mercury is conjunct the Sun in Aquarius. This begins a new Mercury/Sun cycle that lasts about 116 days. This cycle begins with Mercury on the far side of the Sun and puts it in a transition from a morning star to an evening star. I think this bears noting that it's a time of transition from reflection to mingling and sharing ideas and cultures with one another. We will experience many “ahas” and life becomes clear. People around the world are starting to share their lives and are discovering that no matter what their leaders and countries are spouting, we the people are all one and the same.
The full Moon, February 12, 2025 at 7:54 AM CST in Leo at 24°
The Sun and Mercury conjunct in Aquarius and the Moon in Leo are opposite each other. Uranus is halfway between these opposing planets while Uranus is sitting on top of demon star Algol. This is a volatile full Moon. Unpredictable things can happen. Restlessness will contribute to volatility and a need for freedom. Many of us will break free or want to or try to break free of the limitations which are imposed upon us, as this is a rebellious full Moon. Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus are pushed hard to adapt to quickly changing circumstances. Embrace the flow and go with it. Prepare for disruption and change. That’s not easy for these fixed signs. Stay aware of your emotions and know how to manage your reactions to the world outside of you.
Mercury moves into Pisces February 14 followed by the Sun moving into Pisces February 18. The zodiac is shifting more towards Pisces as the Sun and Mercury join Saturn, Neptune, and the North node of the Moon already in Pisces. Many of us will question our belief systems and our view of the world around us.
Mercury is square Jupiter in Gemini February 20. This sounds like recipe for misinformation. There could be news that involves things in the air and things that float. Most likely all of us have our hands full with data and details to handle while enduring the artsy fog that comes with Pisces doing its thing on mental Mercury. For those who know how to operate in this way, a lot can be accomplished.
Mercury still in Pisces is trine Mars in Cancer February 20. This is a really good time to listen to our intuition. Mercury plugs us into our intuition and Mars is raring to have its way. Let these two work together using your intuition and the facts you know to be true in order to move forward. People from the past will be in our heads or on a DM.
Mercury in Pisces is conjunct Saturn. This begins a cycle that lasts approximately 378 days. Mercury is communication and Saturn is responsibility. We will hear a lot about social media and the rules that it is adopting. Practical communication will be dealt with and debated during the cycle. This is a time when compassion develops. Many people will be held accountable for their words. This is also a good time to make a long-term commitment.
The new Moon, February 27, 2025 in Pisces at 9° at 6:45 PM CST
Pisces is all about art, spirituality and higher love. This new Moon creates ripe conditions for starting something in one of those areas of life. Connect with your inner self and let it guide you. Manifest your ideals in the physical world. This new Moon is square Jupiter, which sometimes compels us to bite off more than we can chew. Manage your time wisely and don't say yes when you should really be saying no during this lunar cycle.
With Mercury still rambling about Pisces is sextile Uranus and Algol in Taurus. New ideas can quickly become passions.
This month of February seems tame on paper, but we are sure to see more disasters, violence, and hate speech as consciousness vomits up that which must be changed so that we the people are able to live with new freedoms and equality. We are moving into a new dimension. Together.
Next month- Buckle up
A full Moon eclipse in Virgo
A new Moon eclipse in Aries.
Venus retrograde
Mercury retrograde
Neptune moves into Aries for the first time since leaving Aries in 1875. This is a big deal.
Mercury Retrograde 2025
March 14 to April 17
Pre shadow period begins March 1
Post shadow ends April 26
July 17 to August 11
Pre shadow begins June 30
Post shadow ends August 25
November 9 to November 29
Pre shadow begins October 21
Post shadow ends December 16
The pre shadow period is when the effects of Mercury retrograde begin to be felt.
The post shadow is how long Mercury is felt once it goes direct.
It is best to avoid making plans and starting new projects during these times. Make note of the retrograde and shadow periods so that you can avoid important plans and decisions during these time. Travel is be avoided also.
February 2025 Almanac
Consummate Relationships
Feb 5 - The window of opportunity opens at 1:03 am CST and Closes Feb 5 at 111:55 pm CST
Feb 9 - anytime
Feb 10 after 10:02 am CST
There will be no dates in March.
You may want to get an app called Planetary Hours and consummate during the Venus hour. I receive no $ when you buy this app.
For Accurate Results Have Medical Tests
Feb 2,9,16,17,23,24
Sign Contracts
Feb 2,3,7,9,16,23,25,27,28
Feb 1,4,5,8,9,10,18,19,23,24,28
Feb 20,21,22,25,26
Read the summary with your calendar that shows the whole month on one page. Read through the intro and make note of the days that I point out. Mark the new Moon and the full Moon. The days between the new Moon and the full Moon are when you generally want to start something that you want to grow. Do look at that Moon void chart and take a rest on those days. I have discovered that no matter what I plan, it turns out another way on a Moon void day. Anything you try to accomplish will turn out with unexpected results.
Make note of the three days before the new Moon. People usually get anxious during these days because the phone does not ring or they feel confused or simply nothing is happen. That is because it is wind down time before the new Moon. You will usually notice that the action of life picks up once the new Moon occurs. Also note the days that planets change directions, especially Mercury retrograde.
Hopefully these suggestions will give you a bit of a start to maneuvering through life with astrology.
Robert E Brown
Need a psychic? Call Pat Cox 817-732-7375