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January 2025

A year that will be remembered for as long as we live. A year that will be read about by others long after we lived. A year to muster hope.


The twenty year Pluto transit through Aquarius is less than sixty days old and we have seen world events that are shaking the status quo.

South Korea revolted against Martial law.

The Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad has fallen.

Security and police have attacked peaceful protestors in the country of Georgia.

The French government has collapsed and of this writing in late December a new government has been formed.

The revolt against medical insurance companies has begun with the murder of the CEO of United Healthcare.

Words and articles are now appearing decrying the deeds of the greedy who wish to rule, but not lead the world.

This first month of 2025 opens with Mars, still retrograde, opposing Pluto in Aquarius January 3. This harsh aspect previously occurred November 3. Mars once again opposes Pluto April 26. There is sure to be an eruption of deep anger in our personal lives and on the world stage. These times usher in great upheaval and important events that shape history.

The Sun/Pluto cycle that began January 20, 2024 is winding down. The next cycle begins January 21, 2025 at 1 degree Aquarius. This is the first Sun/Pluto cycle in Aquarius in approximately 248 years. This cycle brings us to realize new themes of innovation and transformation of the structures of our lives and our world. Communication and the way we do that is going to change in amazing ways. At the same time as this cycle begins, the Moon is square the Sun and Pluto. This adds to the volatility of the cycle. Not only will the way we communicate be changing, but what is communicated is changing. New ideas regarding progress for all, not just the few will begin to take hold in this cycle the lasts until January 23, 2026. Freedom and equality are undeniable and the powers that be hopefully will not be able to control the people of the world in the coming years. They will try, the people will prevail.

The hot days when the Moon triggers Pluto are January 1,7,14, and 28.

Mars Is Still Retrograde

Once Mars finishes the opposition to Pluto it backs into Cancer January 6, remaining retrograde until February 23. Mars in Cancer has a hard time getting anything accomplished. Mars wants to wage a campaign, but while in Cancer, Mars is relegated to frustration and dealing with aligning emotional needs with ambition.

The Sun opposite Mars January 15/16 brings up tension and desires. This is not the time to start a fight or any other venture since Mars is retrograde. At the same time, the Sun sextile Neptune January 17 has us feeling imaginative and full of productive insight. Use your intuition to get through the day.

The full Moon January 13, 2025 at 4:27 pm CST at 24 degrees Cancer

This full Moon is harmonious to Neptune in Pisces, and sextile Uranus still retrograde in Taurus. Later in the day the Moon is conjunct Mars. This is an emotional full Moon highlighting our need for emotional and physical security. Turn inward or do something creative. Avoid creating conflict as those behaviors do not pay off well. Life events shake the days around this full Moon. Consequences of unsavory past behaviors come to light. This is a time to behave with compassion.

Just beyond the full Moon

At the same time Venus, now in Pisces, is square Jupiter retrograde in Gemini January 14. Do not be tempted to go low, overspend, or overestimate your worth. Make time to play now since responsibilities come January 18 when Venus crosses Saturn in Pisces.

This Venus/Saturn cycle brings us opportunities to grow and mature emotionally and spiritually. Over the next 14 months, many of us have growth experiences that have long term effects and are very rewarding. Make the choice to be with people who have passion, but are trustworthy and genuine.

At the same time Mercury in Capricorn is sextile Saturn in Pisces and sextile Venus in Pisces. Embrace innovative ideas for standing challenges in order to move forward.

Just days later, January 23, Mars is sextile Uranus, while Mercury is opposite Mars, and Mercury is trine Uranus. Positive acts further our cause. Some of use will have to respond wisely to passive aggressive behavior by uninformed people. Get the facts straight and do not interject opinions based on emotion and not real data. Ignore those who wish to influence with untruths.

The new Moon January 29 at 6:36 am CST in Aquarius at 9 degrees

This new Moon, trine Jupiter, calls for us to set goals that are Aquarian in nature including equality for all, group consciousness, and new technology. This new Moon helps us step away from our emotions. Since it is harmonious to Jupiter, this new Moon emotes optimism in a world of structures that are, or need to be, collapsing. Remember, though, we cannot have rebirth without death.

This optimistic new Moon is best embraced with solid plans so make wise choices and wishes. Start projects that are good for everyone in your life.

A New Mercury/Pluto cycle

Just hours before this new Moon, Mercury crosses Pluto at 3 degrees Aquarius launching a new cycle between these two Planets. Mercury is intellect while Pluto is transformative; diving deep into the unknown. This cycle exposes graft and corruption along with showing us peoples’ motives and behind the scenes behavior. At the same time, what comes to light helps us to commandeer our power for individual and collective growth. We will hopefully realize that we have been purposely divided and can reunite in order to make a more perfect union of humanity. One cycle cannot do it all, but this could be a start. This cycle is approximately one year long.


Uranus turns direct at 23 degrees Taurus January 30. Uranus has been retrograde in Taurus since September 1, 2024. Uranus is disruptive and indicative of rebellion, innovation, and nonconformity. Is that a bad thing?

When Uranus turns direct, that which has been set on the back burner has a tendency to boil over with surprising events. With Uranus in Taurus, there will be financial shifts and changes to world societies. Many of us are coming to terms with our decisions made Since September 2024. Expect disruption in the next few weeks.

Happily, the Sun in Aquarius is harmonious to Jupiter as Uranus is changing directions. This ends the month with a feeling of optimism. Progress and contentment take a while, so let's enjoy these optimistic moments.

A Quick Review of 2025

This year is a year of transition for all of us on earth.

The outermost planet, Pluto, is now in Aquarius for twenty years.

Neptune dips into Aries March 30, backs out on in October then returns to Aries January 2026 for 14 years.

Saturn moves into Aries May 24 and backs out in October. It then returns to Aries in February 2026 until April 2028.

Jupiter transits into Cancer October 2025 to June 30, 2026.

Uranus moves into Gemini July 7, 2025 and backs into Taurus November 8, 2025 then moves into Gemini in April 2026 for 7 years.

When outer planets such as Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune transition into the next sign, they bring great change to the world and the way we live on a collective basis.

The Minor Grand Trine And The Kite

In July, Uranus begins to trine Pluto while Saturn almost conjunct Neptune are both sixty degrees from Pluto and Uranus. This is a minor grand trine that becomes almost exact later in August. That is very harmonious.

However, during the first ten days of August, Mars in Libra is opposite Saturn and Neptune. If you look at this formation it looks like a kite or a diamond. Due the outer planets’ involvement this can be a crisis or breakthrough that unites humanity. One option that may happen is a nuclear threat or crisis at a nuclear power plant. Geopolitical or environmental issues are also possible.

Once Mars moves on we are left with the minor grand trine still in place indicating some sort of resolution. This is a momentous time.

This astrologer plans to stay close to home during the late days of July and first ten days of August.

The Basket/Saturn Neptune Conjunction of 2026

In July of 2026 Pluto, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus align in a configuration called a basket. Andre Barbault, in his book PLANETARY CYCLES describes this event as “…the most benefic event of the century and its interplanetary partnership will work for the best in a splendid relaunch of civilization.”

There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

But for this writer, I do not see how some of the strong men who are weak in character will be in power once we get to the other side of these events.

Even as I write this column, 100s of thousands of people have taken to the streets of the country of Georgia and Serbia to protest corruption interfering in their democratic process. Perhaps the events that are falling into place are uniting the world in achieving democracy for all of us. Time will tell, but do remember the great experiment called democracy was first achieved with the winning of the American Revolution and the beginning of democracy the last time Pluto moved through Aquarius. The French Revolution also occurred during the last transit of Pluto in Aquarius.

The events to come are going to be worldwide as we the people join hands to realize our oneness and that we must depend on one another.

We are living history. The events of this year and 2026 will be read by people for hundreds of years from now.

I do a lot of research for this column. If you are interested in learning more about astrology, I recommend and I am inspired by:

The World Astrology Report on YouTube

Stefan Burns who monitors the activity of the Sun

Andrea Barbault - Planetary Cycles, Mundane Astrology

If you are a beginner, Secrets From A Stargazer's Notebook by Debbie Kempton Smith

Just to name a few

If you search the web and youtube you will find a wealth of astrology at your fingertips.

Mercury Retrograde 2025

March 14 to April 17
Pre shadow period begins March 1
Post shadow ends April 26

July 17 to August 11
Pre shadow begins June 30
Post shadow ends August 25

November 9 to November 29
Pre shadow begins October 21
Post shadow ends December 16

The pre shadow period is when the effects of Mercury retrograde begin to be felt.

The post shadow is how long Mercury is felt once it goes direct.

It is best to avoid making plans and starting new projects during these times. Make note of the retrograde and shadow periods so that you can avoid important plans and decisions during these time. Travel is be avoided also.

January 2025 Almanac

Consummate Relationships

January 8

You may want to get an app called Planetary Hours and consummate during the Venus hour. I receive no $ when you buy this app.

For Accurate Results Have Medical Tests

January 6,13,20,27

Sign Contracts
January 2,4,8,19,26,28,29
January 3,4,5,8,9,12,13,21,22,23,26,,27,
January 14,15,24,25,29,30

Stacks Image 6425

Read the summary with your calendar that shows the whole month on one page. Read through the intro and make note of the days that I point out. Mark the new Moon and the full Moon. The days between the new Moon and the full Moon are when you generally want to start something that you want to grow. Do look at that Moon void chart and take a rest on those days. I have discovered that no matter what I plan, it turns out another way on a Moon void day. Anything you try to accomplish will turn out with unexpected results.

Make note of the three days before the new Moon. People usually get anxious during these days because the phone does not ring or they feel confused or simply nothing is happen. That is because it is wind down time before the new Moon. You will usually notice that the action of life picks up once the new Moon occurs. Also note the days that planets change directions, especially Mercury retrograde.

Hopefully these suggestions will give you a bit of a start to maneuvering through life with astrology.

Robert E Brown

Need a numerologist? Check out my friend Winnie Baden. She is a numbers wizard! NUMBERSWIZARD.COM

Need a psychic? Call Pat Cox 817-732-7375