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November 30

Schumann Resonances -
According to Stefan Burns' Youtube channel, "these are extremely low frequency standing waves of light energy that naturally resonate with the Earth because of her physical dimensions." In the past twenty-hours they have spiked. Spikes such as these are often indications of an earth event such as an earthquake or volcanic eruption, especially a new or full Moon. He uses the recent earthquake in Turkey as an example. December 1 is the new Moon.

Yesterday and over the past few days my dog has been extra wired and energetic. Almost frantic. I wonder if he felt this just as the elephants on Phuket sensed the tidal wave and headed for higher ground.

Additionally, Stefan has been talking about the solar storms and particularly one Sun spot that is pointing directly at earth. His words are that we are receiving more and more light.

I have tried to keep track of Solar activity and the Schumann resonance over the years, but Stefan's channel seems to be a good place to get information if you are interested in the energy of earth and the light.

For more information, search Stefan Burns on Youtube.

December 2024

As I ponder sharing the aspects and events in the zodiac for 2025 with you, I see lots of talk of aliens arriving and making contact. On some level that seems unlikely to this astrologer.

We are a beautiful planet with lovely people, but we seem to hate each other over gender, sexuality, religion, race, and culture. If alien life forms can get here from over there, I would think they are too smart to get involved in this mess. In a world where there is hate over our differences, aliens probably know they are way too different. We shall see…

At the same time, Pluto now in Aquarius is just beginning to shift our consciousness. With Uranus in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn for the past year, we have seen a rise up of our deepest darkest selves. The great news is that Uranus begins to move into Gemini next summer forming the same trine to Pluto now in Aquarius. Have you noticed that suddenly we see that Uranus, symbol of freedom, is showing that the wealth of Taurus is going to dictate that freedom is relative to wealth. Pluto, in Aquarius, stirring up the peoples of the planet.

Our awareness of social responsibility seems to be out of the bag. Compassion, or lack thereof, is being called out. It is so much better for all of us to be doing well in life as opposed to just a few.

What have held dear is changing.

The Portal of 0 degrees Aquarius

By the time this is posted, Pluto will be sitting at zero degrees Aquarius. This is important because Jupiter and Saturn were conjunct at this degree December 21, 2020. Zero degrees of any sign is a new beginning. December 2020 was a cosmic wake up call beckoning us to transcend the boundaries that impede freedom for all. This was a trigger to address human rights especially for women and minor aged people, but also anyone who is marginalized.

The stage is now set for world change and the transfer of power and redistribution of wealth. Over the past 100 years wealth has been distributed upwards. What goes up usually comes down.

Pluto has twenty years to evolve us. Many of us are already feeling our awakening. Who knows what will be the final results of Pluto moving through egalitarian, independent, innovative Aquarius.

This Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in 2020 was the beginning of a twenty year cycle. Pluto at zero degrees Aquarius will not happen again for 248 years.

On December 7 Ceres, Venus, and Pluto conjunct at zero degrees Aquarius. This last occurred on March 4, 1823 GMT at 0 degrees Aries - known as a world point. It is the first degree of the zodiac.

Events of 1823

The Monroe Doctrine was being created and was declared by James Monroe December 2. This foreign policy basically drew a line in the sand telling other countries that any country who interferes in the affairs of the Americas would be considered a hostile act.

March 11- the first private school to teach teachers opened.

May 10 - The first steamboat navigated the Mississippi River

July 1 - The United Provinces of Central America gained independence from Mexico

October 12 - The first Mac was sold. Not the computer, but a raincoat sold by Charles Macintosh in Scotland. It was innovative just like our Macs today,

What will this conjunction in Aquarius bring to us 201 years later? The conjunction in 1823 was at 0 degrees Aries. The conjunction at 0 Aquarius could be a productive line drawn the sand by the masses of the world and within the United States directed towards the United States. There is no doubt that 2024 is a response to the Ceres/Venus/Pluto conjunction of 1823. No one really knows but this does set the stage for the future of this country and the planet.

Starting with the mythology of Ceres and Pluto wherein Pluto, the king of the underworld abducted Persephone, Ceres’ daughter.

Basically, Ceres had to make a deal that Persephone would spend part of the year in the underworld and a part of the year one the surface. Hmm, deals really get alot done. This was the explanation of the cycle of nature and the seasons - winter versus spring. It also explains the cycle of endings, change, and renewal.

Who knows how this will play out so here is one theory to drop in the ocean of ideas.

  1. 1.We will explore the nature of power and how that is affecting us on a global and individual level. A lot of people are not happy with how they used their power of the vote recently.
2. We will be faced with the consequences of climate change and climate change denial

3. As individuals, and collectively, we will grow into new relationships. We will build local economies to deal with the dismantling of the tired economic structures and misinformation that divide us. With so much tariff news, we may have to grow gardens and collocate and share with our neighbors. We will turn our attention from those who want power for the sake of power. We will transform away from- I got mine too bad for you - to how can we help one another.

4. We will find new ways to solve social issues including freedom for all, education for all, and health care for all.

This conjunction is a significant moment in history. We must set our sights on caring for ourselves and our community. We will not see results right away, but we will see progress soon.

Jupiter Square Saturn December 24, 2024

Jupiter in Gemini was last square Saturn April 19, 2024. We felt it from August 6 to September 4 using a 3 degree orb of influence.

We have felt the current conjunction since December 9 and that lasts until January 11, 2025. This will next occur June, 15, 2025.

Remember that Jupiter and Saturn began a cycle together December 20, 2020 at 0 degrees Aquarius. In terms of the cycle that began in 2020, this square opens us to an idea of, “ where do we go from here?”

This is a time to plan for hardships we know are ahead of us. Jupiter wants to expand and explore while Saturn demands responsibility. Accountability is certain for all of us. Past actions must be resolved. This is the time to prepare for challenges that we know are ahead. December 4-6, and 24-27 are challenging days wherein we are stressed and news is not great.

Jupiter square Saturn is a crisis point from the initial conjunction. It is not permanent. Hard work will pay off once we get to the easy Jupiter trine Saturn in August 2026. Meanwhile, chop wood and fetch water.

The new Moon December 1 at 12:22 am CST in Sagittarius at 9 degrees

In the western timezones of the United States and Canada, this is a black moon because it is the second new Moon in a calendar. In those time zones it occurs on November 30.

The new Moon in Sagittarius is a time to make big plans and let go of the limits we impose on ourselves. This is a great Moon for embracing optimism that seems to have fallen by the wayside.

Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius until December 15. That hinders some of our progress especially when Mercury is opposite Jupiter retrograde and the Sun is square Saturn December 4.
The Sun is also opposite Jupiter December placing more obstacles to overcome.

Mars turns retrograde December 6 at 6 degrees Leo to February 23 at 17 degrees Cancer. While Mars is retrograde in Leo until January, we will be looking inward and deciding our next moves in life. This is a time of slowing down because circumstances dictate a change of pace. Some of us will be irritated and frustrated because life is not producing results on our time schedule.

This is an especially challenging time for fixed signs Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus. Many of us will be especially hot under the collar during the last days of December and the first week of January. This will be a volatile time and with an abundance of hate. Channel your hopes and dream wisely. This is a very productive time if we turn within and reassess what we want to accomplish.

Once Mars backs into
Cancer January 6 we will be assessing our security. Are we secure? We will reconsider where our loyalties lie. We will see who is and is not loyal and who has undermined our safety.

For this astrologer Mars retrograde has always been a time of slowing down. Those who start the fight with Mars retrograde, almost always lose in one way or another.

The full Moon December 15 at 23 degrees Gemini at 3:02 am CST.

Mercury turns direct just hours after this full Moon meaning that the floodgates of results begin to open.

This full Moon has us thinking about they ways we communicate. Many of us feel intellectual about our feelings which gives us a logical outlook towards situations that stir positive or negative emotions.

A full Moon is emotional. We can reap the harvest of seeds we have previously planted. Speak your truth only after coming to terms with inner turmoil. Do not get hung up on rules that become a weight to carry.

The new Moon December 30 at 4:28 pm in Capricorn at 9 degrees

Set intentions for practical goals and realistic ways to get from the drawing board to reality. Focus is an important tool now for realizing personal and professional ambitions.

Just as the Venus/Ceres Pluto conjunction is happening, Neptune also turns Direct December 7

After thirty- five year of studying and researching astrology, I have my opinions as to what signs and planets rule different areas of life. I have always felt that the years of mass delusion and misinformation were due to Neptune in Pisces. Yep, delusion and Neptune go together. Amazingly so does democracy.

Neptune has been transiting its home sign Pisces since 2012 which explains a lot including some people believing the world is flat.

Once Neptune turns direct, it is time to be inspired, hopefully by those people who have our interests at heart. We will feel more intuitive, but at the same time Neptune direct still creates confusion which is augmented by being in Pisces.

Neptune is the ruler of the ocean. We can expect a tidal wave of secrets and truths coming to light once Neptune turns direct December 7. Get ready. For some of us, our reality will be altered. This is an amazing time in world history.

Neptune dips into Aries next year which means we will still be arguing about ideologies. Hopefully we will learn to better think for ourselves than existing in a haze of lies and deception. More on that later, we have a lot on our plate and need to stay in the moment.

Venus and Jupiter

The best day of December is December 19/20 when Venus in Aquarius is trine Jupiter in Gemini. Venus is love and Jupiter is abundance. Diplomacy takes place, financial opportunities come to us or we are feeling optimistic. Spend time just sitting with your self in this harmonious vibe.

Earth is evolving. It is scary and feels uncertain, but that is not really a new thing.

We must move away from division and the people who want to control us into cooperation to survive this shift.

The world has been jolted by Pluto moving into Aquarius. We see we must adapt to a different world. It is a world in transition. We are all having to plan to adapt to new circumstances. This is not a good or bad reality so let go of that. We are beginning to live differently. Some of our new habits will stick while others are a stepping stone to other new habits and ways of being.

Now is the time to go to the deep water and go with the flow of change. We have no choice but to let go and live. We were born to make a better world now for those who come after us.

In the 1980s when I was just opening to the metaphysical way, my teachers talked about the SHIFT. It has been known and talked about for long before many of us were born. I think this is it.

Stay calm. Make time to sit with your soul. Practice meditation. Connect with your tribe who are the people with whom you have a spiritual connection. Do not seek spirituality because you already are a spirit and you are enlightened. Please know that. Until next month…

Mercury Retrograde 2024

April 1 - 25

August 4 - 29

November 25 - December 15

December 2024 Almanac

Consummate Relationships

No Days

You may want to get an app called Planetary Hours and consummate during the Venus hour. I receive no $ when you buy this app.

For Accurate Results Have Medical Tests
December 3,4,10,16,23,30,31

Sign Contracts
December 23,24
December 7,8,12,16,25,26,
December 18,19,28,29

Stacks Image 6425

Read the summary with your calendar that shows the whole month on one page. Read through the intro and make note of the days that I point out. Mark the new Moon and the full Moon. The days between the new Moon and the full Moon are when you generally want to start something that you want to grow. Do look at that Moon void chart and take a rest on those days. I have discovered that no matter what I plan, it turns out another way on a Moon void day. Anything you try to accomplish will turn out with unexpected results.

Make note of the three days before the new Moon. People usually get anxious during these days because the phone does not ring or they feel confused or simply nothing is happen. That is because it is wind down time before the new Moon. You will usually notice that the action of life picks up once the new Moon occurs. Also note the days that planets change directions, especially Mercury retrograde.

Hopefully these suggestions will give you a bit of a start to maneuvering through life with astrology.

Robert E Brown

Need a numerologist? Check out my friend Winnie Baden. She is a numbers wizard! NUMBERSWIZARD.COM

Need a psychic? Call Pat Cox 817-732-7375