If you would like to submit a written or video testimonial I would be so happy to post it to my site. Email me at robert@writingsinthesky.com


You did my last reading in late August. During the reading, a third baby kept popping up, and I thought that was crazy, because no way in... you know... were we trying to have another baby. Well, didn't know it at the time, but I was apparently two weeks pregnant when we did the reading. Due with my third girl in late April. You also saw me moving in the next year, and thanks to #3, we are in a few weeks.
That gift of yours is kinda creepy but very awesome!

Chas - Houston, Texas

Robert truly has a gift. I get goosebumps from his readings. When I feel lost I turn to Robert and his foresight guides me in the direction I need to go

Tina - Houston, Texas

I have been one of Robert's BIGGEST fans for many many years! In June1994 Robert said I would be engaged or married before the end of that year. I remember telling Robert that he was wrong because it was already June and I had not met anyone. I even assured him that I would never marry or get engaged on such short notice. Six weeks later I was engaged!!!! He and his family were just as Robert described. August will be our 12th year anniversary. Robert also told me I would have 2 children, first my son then my daughter. Recently, I asked her what she wanted for her birthday she said she wanted to meet Robert and have her first reading with him!

Recently Robert assured me that our house would sell in the next thirty days. Tonight the buyers popped in with the FOR SALE sign in their hand and said, "We just wanted to give this to you because the house is no longer for sale. We just bought it!!!!"

Over the years Robert has always told me he sees me with two homes. April 1st we will begin building 2 homes!!!! Robert has been so unbelievably accurate. I look forward to checking in with him for many many more years to come.
Karen - Rockport, TX

For the past 8 years, Robert has been doing occasional readings for me. It's incredible how "on target" he is with his information. I'm a believer!
Sandy - Houston, Texas

Robert Brown has read for me on a number of occasions and I've been impressed with his accuracy as well as all the interesting information. The cd Robert sends of the recorded session is an extra bonus. Listening to the cd is like having a reading done all over again because of amount of information on it that could in no way be written down during a session. I recommend Robert Brown to anyone who is interested in knowing more about his or herself and / or what is in store in the coming days, weeks, months, and even years. Thanks Robert!
Lisa - Westminster, California

I have always enjoyed getting readings from Robert. He is very knowledgeable and enlightening. His expertise and familiarity with astrology is immeasurable. The information I have received has been helpful in making decisions.
Martha – Houston, Texas

Robert Brown has been "reading" for me for several years and always has incredible insight into things that are going on in the lives of the people on my chart. I am amazed and excited to hear what Robert has to say and watch as true life unfolds.
Marilou – Denver, Colorado

I have gained alot of insight from readings Robert has done for me. The readings have helped me prepare for events that may arise in the future and have put clarity on past events. They have also helped me see the intentions of others. I have been stunned by how accurate he has been especially when I thought what he was saying was an impossibility! I highly recommend Robert to anyone who is seaking increased awareness about their life.
Elizabeth – Keene, NH

It's April and things are getting turbulent at work,just like Robert said they would. It sure was nice toget some advance warning!
Jack - Houston, Texas

Robert’s readings are the perfect marriage of astrology and intuition with a healthy dose of good common sense thrown in to the mix. I rely on his insights whenever I hit a crossroad and have learned the hard way to pay closer attention to what he says. I refer my friends to him and that is the most eloquent statement I can make about his abilities.
Ginger - Dallas, Texas

Just a few words to tell all how accurate and articulate you are in your charting. Have enjoyed you and so has our whole family for many years.
Bitsy - Houston, Texas

I've been a happy client of Robert's for over 10 years. His readings are always very informative, right on target, and I'm always amazed when I listen to one of my readings again a few months later at how much it's right in line with how things played out. Robert is a gem of a person even when it's not what I want to hear.
Lisa - Houston, Texas

Although initially Robert was a source of “entertainment”, his ability to precisely predict things has helped guide me in ways I could not have imagined. The obstacles I have faced could have easily become overwhelming without Robert’s “gift” that helped me understand the nature of the universal “speed bumps” and the protection served by slowing down at times. I truly believe much of my success in life has been as a direct result of Robert’s ability to guide me through this obstacle course called Life and without it, I am certain I would never have self-actualized my potential as a human being – which would have been a tragedy
Lynn - Yelm, Washington

Incredible in depth multi-dimensional readings with astounding accuracy and insight into the present and future. I am continually amazed by his ability to know my personal traits and characteristics and those of my family and friends without meeting or knowing any of us personally. I have never been disappointed.
David - Atlanta, GA

Robert has always been very accurate about my work. I asked him about my new work prospects, and he said that he saw a picture of a sphinx in my new workplace. About two weeks later, I went for an interview and there it was in the lobby – a big picture of a sphinx – and I got the job.
I hadn’t seen or talked to my brother in 25 years or more – it was like he didn’t exist. Robert said that I would be hearing from my brother soon, and about two weeks later, he called me right out of the blue.
Cindy – Harvest, Alabama

Robert is wonderful! He has done psychic/astrological readings for me for about the last 10 years now. He has been completely accurate on many occasions; he reads with care and has great knowledge as to many aspects of life, for which he has shared with me and which has guided, comforted and enlightened me in many situations.
Lisa – Houston, Texas

I have been having your readings for 11 yrs and your insight works for me as a headlight when i am driving at night. Your readings help me to avoid problems that are anticipated in the coming days and months. Your guidance has helped me in making important decisions. It has been a great pleasure knowing you as well as to seek your talent in the sphere of astrology, nuemrology and other ways.
Bimal – Houston, Texas

Robert is so accurate and thorough. His readings are no-nonsense and hisknowledge of the planets and how our signs are affected by them isfascinating. Robert has read for me for over 13 years. I have developed agreater sense of self, thanks in part to his insight -- he teaches mesomething new about the planets and cycles each time he reads for me.
Lila - Dallas, Texas

Robert's inimitable wit and honesty has kept me on course, an annual barometer for where I'm going in life. He makes me laugh and is my trusted guide to maximizing planetary aspects to achieve my dreams.
Angie – Dallas, Texas

What he tells you may not be what you want to hear, but you will soon learn that he speaks the truth as he reads it. He is truly remarkable and deserves high respect and regard.
David - Houston, Texas

He is great! He explains everything! Thanks for your input!
Gloria – Houston, Texas

Robert has been reading for me for over 10 years. He has been very accurate. Thank you, Robert!
Vicki - Elmira, NY

I've been consulting Robert for 15 years about matters of work,finance, romance, friendship, partnership, family, and relocation. Heis always insightful, candid, caring and right on!With gratitude and respect,
Andrea –Boulder, CO

Robert Brown has done readings for me over the past many years. I am continually amazed at his insight and accuracy. He has a true gift that I have been privileged to share in.
Debie - League City, Texas

I have been most fortunate over the last 20 years to know Robert Brown and have him read for me. Robert has read for me under so many different circumstances I have endured in life and with lesser situations today to understand life's balances. The astrological readings and guidance from Robert has been so correct in its direction when it appeared in real life and has truly helped me through so much in life.
Craig – Houston, Texas

Whenever I have faced difficulty making an important decision, I have turned to your skill in astrology and destiny cards to help shed light on the situation. Not only has your skill assisted me in understanding a situation better, but I have appreciated over and over your integrity and the level of care you show when reading for me. Not only have I had benefit from your services, but also quite a few of my friends and acquaintances as well!
Heather – Spokane, Washington

Robert Brown is the psychic I count on to tell me like it is. Rarely is he wrong which is why I have been listening to him for the last fifteen years. His forecast have helped me to chart my career and business success and to understand the nature of personal relationships. Basically, he has been instrumental in my maintaining a positive attitude when all looks bleak. Thank you, Robert Brown, for being in my life.
Marianne – Houston, Texas

In a session with Robert, you have to be listening to everything he says. Especially his “out of nowhere” questions or remarks. Those are the things that will show up in your life sometime in the near future, like 2 or 3 months. For example, the second session I had with Robert in the middle of his reading he stopped and asked me, “who is Mike?” I told him I didn’t know anyone named Mike. He said the name just popped into his head. On the next session, he asked me the exact same thing. I reminded him that he had already asked me that question at the previous session and I still didn’t know anyone named Mike. He said he saw someone named Mike wanting to spend time with me and this Mike was fast approaching. Two weeks later, my friend and I were out dancing and she introduced me to two of her co-workers. Their names were Brian and Mike. I married Mike.

Jeanne – Dallas, Texas

I have known Robert Brown since 1993 and feel blessed to have an astrologer with great intuitiveness and talent that I can call when I need guidance.
Johannes - Houston, Texas

My initial consultation with Robert was a birthday gift from a friend many years ago.Ever since then, I have consulted with Robert 1-2 times a year as a gift to myself. I have found his consultations invaluable in areas of career, relationships, and major transitions in my life. I have used Robert's guidance very successfully during some major life transitions, including career changes and geographic relocations. I have found his unique gifts of wisdom and insight absolutely reliable, helpful, and useful. I am not particularly knowledgeable in the realms of astrology or psychic ability--all I can tell you is that Robert is amazing, and his abilities have enabled me to make consistently good choices in my life.
JDS - San Francisco

Robert Brown is the best astrologer I have used. He is very precise with locations and dates and with his readings and horoscopes, I have been able to figure out what is going on in my life."
Sofia – Houston, Texas

The help and guidance I have received from Robert Brown’s teachings and readings is not measurable in the conventional sense. His sage wisdom, remarkable psychic abilities, uncanny expert knowledge of the occult sciences and extraordinary common sense has helped guide me away from the horrible life choices I was making. I am often shocked and surprised when I listen to a recorded CD of one of his readings a month later, because he nails the future down so accurately, it is as if it happened already almost. By knowing the future potentialities, I can make PROACTIVE CHOICES, NOT REACTIVE CHOICES and better choices all around. I wish I had known Robert Brown when I was 17 years old, because I would have avoided the 100s of mistakes I made in college with majors, roommates, classes, parents, friends, and dating. Robert’s advice and readings have helped me refocus my life on what is truly important to me, people, money, happiness, and that is why I consider him an important guide in my personal quest for success.My advice:Don’t work with Robert Brown if you want to be 3000 times worse off in the next ten years than you are today!
He is what I consider a success coach to be, because you get the truth, you are made aware of real limitations in your life, and then you get that extra edge by knowing the probable potentialities of the future. Who else can do that for you? No one! For that reason, I fully endorse and recommend Robert Brown because I know he can help you, as he has helped me.
Anna – Houston, Texas

One time when Robert asked me during a reading who was Lydia? He said the name flashed across the front of my shirt, which was a black and white T-shirt with Guess on the front. About 6 weeks after my session, I was watching ESPN drag racing. The interviewer was talking to the different teams about how some of them had started giving the car engines personal names. The camera flashed around a few different crews and zoomed in on the side of one of the engines before it was lowered onto the frame. And there in large black painted on letters was the name of Lydia.
Jeanne Dallas, Texas

Robert has done readings for me for a number of years. His gifts of intuitive sensitivity and insightfulness are consistent and reliable. Listening to a reading tape/disk a year later startles one by what he foresaw and that one later experienced. I shall continue to access Robert 's intuition to guide my future.
Vicki – Houston, Texas

Robert's readings are very insightful and accurate and he reveals aspects of my life that I can't understand.
Jayne – Grand Prairie, Texas

I have had many readings by Robert Brown and the accuracy has been amazing. I originally tried a reading with Robert because his name was often mentioned by members of an astrology class I was taking as the best any of them had ever known concerning relationships. I believe he has even expanded his gift in that respect in the several years that I have known him. Of course he lives in Washington now instead of Houston where I first had a reading and met him, but I enjoy the CD's that he sends now with the completed reading and I still try to see him in person on those occasions when he makes a pass through Houston.
A satisfied customer,
Wayne – Houston, Texas

Robert Brown always zeros in on my problems while doing my readings. He hits the nail square on the head with me. I always look forward to his insight because I can trust what he is telling me.
Judy – Houston, Texas

I have had readings with Robert Brown for almost 20 years. Robert has an amazing track record for accuracy and insight. Over the time I've known him, I've introduced so many of my friends to his readings and we all consult with him on a regular basis.
Maggie - St. Pete, FL

Robert has been doing my astrological chart for several years now & his accuracy never fails to amaze me. I really like the way he addresses day-to-day concerns while also looking at the bigger picture of my life. I've learned alot about astrology through him as he weaves teachings about astrology throughout the reading. I am happy to endorse his work.
Sending many blessings, Lisa Powell Watts – Brenham, TX

Your help has always been appreciated and correct.Thank you so much for all your help and insight!
Deborah – Huffman, Texas

Robert Brown has read for me for the last 5 years. I am always amazed at his accuracy. I think one of his greatest gifts is relationship analysis. I date frequently and can't tell you how beneficial his readings have been for me. Sometimes I don't see people as they really are until it's too late. It's great to "know before you go". I highly recommend Robert and his work.
Jane Leigh – Austin, Texas