Scorpios born in the earliest days of this sign are undergoing a massive transformation in your life. You are being forced to make changes that are most likely uncomfortable and in some cases heartbreaking. All Scorpios are feeling this now to some degree. Those of you who are born in the final week of October do well to let life take its course. Once you recognize what you can and cannot control, you become free to move onto new adventures in life. Once Jupiter goes direct February 4, your resources flow with greater ease. In the days until July 2026, and especially this month, Scorpio does well to express compassion, kindness, and the greatest love for the people around you. The full moon February 12 brings life and situations regarding family and career to a culmination. Big endings and big rewards are sudden and stressful. There will be drama and blowups. Handle this energy wisely and Scorpio can achieve more than you imagined. While this is an intense full Moon it is not necessarily a bad time. The new Moon February 27 is a trigger that is sure to have Scorpio wanting to express your heart. Express your heartfelt feelings. They will be received well. Once Mars goes direct February 23, Scorpio is ready to get up and go. Some of you will travel and some of you will be wanting to take classes or learn on your own. Expand your mind and let go of unfounded biases. Best days 27,28
January 2025
Family and work are demanding during the first week. Scorpio is pulled in four directions. Go in the direction that utilizes diplomacy. In the days between January 6 and February 23, Scorpio gets new information that shifts your beliefs. These days are a great time to investigate other cultures and religions. You will find those other people have the same life concerns. That knowledge is tipping point in your evolution. This is especially true at the full Moon January 13. January 23-26 ushers in new opinions and an alternative view of the world around you, dear Scorpio. Plan travel carefully in the days until late February. The new Moon January 29 brings new people and friend groups to the door. Your vibe is changing and so are your goals and teammates. Some of the new buddies advance your introspection as they propose alien ideas. Prepare for guests to arrive. Tend to your health especially when life gets chaotic. Beginning January 30, all sorts of relationships change. Some will go to a new level while others are disrupted by needs of personal freedom. Keep your enemies close.
Best days 4,31
Make important decisions about home and family during the first week of December. These are decisions that have a lasting effect for the members of your household. The new Moon December 1 brings new budgets into play as you plan for future purchases. This new Moon compels Scorpio to get out into nature and away from the screen. You have begun a very challenging, transformative period. Many of you must balance work with family matters. The full Moon December 15 has Scorpio making final payments and ending ways of being along with untenable relationships. The new Moon December 30 brings short trips and lots of paperwork to get in order. Some of you must take the chairmanship while others are moving away from friends and associates. Work is crazy and so are people who try to control you at the very end of December and the beginning of January. Channel your energy wisely. Best days 7,8,16,26
The Scorpio new Moon November 1 brings beginnings and self-improvement projects for this sign. New styles and new attitudes come easy for Scorpio. The month does open with challenges from siblings, neighbors, and in-laws. Scorpio does not have to take part in their drama, but you will have to contend with your—or someone else’s— predicament. Sort through legal matters and do not let your actions or words make trouble for you. Work and career become very busy beginning December 4. Avoid irritating others with your desire to get the job done your way. When you receive push back from others; know that you have gone too far. The full Moon November 15 brings sudden completions to relationships. These could be serious or just people not keeping their appointments. Your ruler, Pluto, moves into your fourth house November 19 for the next twenty years. Secure your home and double check everything before you leave. The structure of your home and your family is evolving. In the years to come, Scorpio will be digging deep within yourself to explore, resolve, and heal the past. You will examine your need for security. This process will not happen overnight, and you will be pushed hard if you resist. Meanwhile, Mercury is retrograde in the second house of money November 25 to December 15. Get holiday shopping done now and hold off making important financial decisions during Mercury retrograde. Best day 11
The new Moon/eclipse October 2 ushers in a time for letting go of the past and focusing on ways to help your fellow beings. Some of you will withdraw so that you can shift your life focus without the interference of other people and your own predispositions. Find peace with yourself because the next several months are packed with activities. In the meantime, Venus is moving through Scorpio until October 17. Scorpio is sure to be extra focussed and charismatic. Avoid jealous and obsessive behavior so you do not spoil the good time that can be had October 4 to 8. At mid October some people leave unexpectedly or plans change only to be replaced by something better. The same theme plays out October 28 . The full Moon October 17 ushers in the need for a lifestyle change. Start a new health regimen. Finish projects and work alone if possible at the full Moon. As the days progress towards November, there will be people from the past who make contact. This includes neighbors and siblings. Those people bring challenges and you probably need to say no to them without explanation. Best day 14
Some of you are going on a physical trek while others are flexing your intellect and laying a new spiritual foundation. Travel can accomplish all of these things. The new Moon September 2 brings new friends and teams wherein you are able to thrive. Unexpected news comes at work so be ready to make changes that come from above. At mid month, Scorpio has much to be grateful for so make that list and count you blessings out loud. Downer news comes on September 7, 18, and 22. Do not let that discourage you, nor should you let others control or manipulate your mood. The full Moon eclipse September 17 is a confusing time and you may wonder how to respond to the confusion. Children and honeys keep you busy at this full Moon. Take a deep breath before responding to other people’s drama. Relationships come to sudden conclusions or decisions at the full Moon. Whatever goes right or wrong, Scorpio is a magnet for others beginning September 22. Make the most of that vibe through mid October. Best day 16
Scorpio is securing your home and your future. Security can mean you are making it safe for your children or switching to using environmentally safe cleaning projects. Speaking of children, they are a big focus either because school is about to start or because they are not acting with gratitude towards you, dear Scorpio. This is not permanent, but you may be surprised that they are not responsive when you need their help. August is a time when Scorpio needs assistance as you are in a life transition. The new Moon August 4 brings recognition in the world. Some of you will be starting new jobs while others are starting a whole new way of life. Whatever the case, Scorpio is sure to be celebrated for your sense of duty and responsibility. The full Moon August 19 is a hot spot as you come to a crossroads. Some of you are retiring or moving. Relationships that need to go will be gone. Change is swift and surprising. Remember that you took this assignment and that life is indeed taking care of you dear, Scorpio. Just like that, the old way is gone with the wind. Best days 1,2,11,20,29
Relationships come with a lot of issues to work through in July. Some of you are aware of big completions that are coming, while other Scorpios are blind sided by partners’ actions. Mid July is intense with your business and or love partners. Consider what you can control and what you are best to let go because you have now power over others now. Travel and love and lust go hand in hand this month. Do take responsibility regarding your role in your relationships. Become sure as to what you want in life and who you want to spend time with so that you can move forward without hesitation. Family members want to get into your business so lay low and keep mum when the interrogation commences. The new Moon July 5 expands Scorpios’ horizon of life. It is time to open up to new experiences through travel or education or both. The full Moon July 21 brings completions to the daily routine so that you can be free to explore what life has to offer. Many people will express deep appreciation for you dear, Scorpio. Best days 5,6
Conduct a personal inventory and rid yourself of unproductive behavior. Clean out your home literally and emotionally so that you are able to dwell within your true self. While you are changing positively, so will your relationships. Those close to Scorpio come closer as they feel safer. Work is very busy through June 8. Keep an even keel so that you do not have to take time out to recover from exhaustion. June 9 and the days before and after are intense. There is going to be plenty of time this month and next to resolve relationship issues and differences. You will discover who is and is not your ally. The new Moon June 6 compels Scorpio to improve yourself. Participate in classes or activities that develop your self-awareness. Your current relationships deepen as you grow and mature. Loans and new savings plans are a great idea with this new Moon. The full Moon June 21 compels Scorpio to take care of personal needs. Restock the pantry, clear the paper clutter, or take a short trip. Open your mail so that you do not miss important news. Best days 8,17,18,26,27
The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction last month is ready to usher in new and different people and partnerships. Instances and events that are out of Scorpios’ control continue. Said events leave room for you to get out of the old way of living. May 18 and 23 bring chance meetings and surprises. This is a month of reconciling differences with partners and loved ones. Consider who and what is right for you versus what you think you desire. The new Moon May 7 helps Scorpio to feel more settled in relationships. Jupiter moves through Scorpios’ eighth house beginning May 25 for the next year. Jupiter brings a new sense of security through partners or loved ones. More than ever, people will need your guidance and advice over the next year. Money comes from other people through inheritance, insurance matters, or a rebate. Money is coming, only Jupiter knows your source at this point. The full Moon May 23 emphasizes that you are balancing your needs with other people in your life. Best days 3,4,12,31
April is a wonderful time for fun with the people you love. Get out and play. Let your special people know just how much you love them and want what is best for their lives. Your sentiments are well received. The new Moon/eclipse April 8 calls for new ways of thriving. Some of you are looking for new jobs or better ways to accomplish your work in the months ahead. Discover new ways to live and thrive as a result of the new Moon. Use new tacts and connect with people who can help Scorpio maintain a healthy lifestyle. While Mercury is retrograde this month, help others with no expectations of a payback. You will feel so much happiness with these simple acts of kindness. The full Moon April 23 brings recognition to Scorpio. Please do not let that be because you have had a temper tantrum. Endings are coming to your life and they are auspicious; though is some cases unexpected. Roll with the eventful changes as the stars have big life plans for Scorpio. Embrace those who are from different walks of life. Best days 6
People drop by unexpectedly March 3, 4, and 9. This could be the solar panels salesman or someone you actually want to see. Home is buzzing with activity through March 21. Some of you are doing repairs while others are moving the whole house or some furniture from one room to another. The new Moon March 10 is very compatible to Scorpio. This is a great time to express your heartfelt thoughts to those you love. This same new Moon has the children in your life taking precedent with their own activities and dreams. Do not worry about them as that is not helpful and they will be fine. Once the new Moon occurs, find time for fun. Let yourself be who you need to be and rejoice in being the wonderful you, dear Scorpio. Accomplish heavy tasks while avoiding an argument March 13 to 22. The full Moon/eclipse March 25 calls for a timeout from your busy routine. Finish projects that have been started. Secrets come to light. Keep your balance and avoid falls around this full Moon. Best days 5,6,9,10,17,18
Scorpios’ ruling planet, Pluto, has moved into a touchy spot for you dear Scorpio. In the days until September 1, Scorpio gets a glimpse of what to expect in the coming years beginning November 20. Pluto will be plumbing your fourth house of home and family. Gradual but deep transformation begins to take place this month, most notably around February 5, 13, and 17. At mid February Scorpio has much to do where your family and physical home are concerned. This is not an easy month up to February 18, but at that time Scorpio is able to have more fun. In the final days of February, Scorpio is the rock for others. You are up to being the rock just as you are up for the next twenty years of realizing your true self. The new Moon February 9 has some of you moving while others are coming to terms with undiscovered talents. This new Moon beckons Scorpio to look to a future that you have not yet realized. The full Moon February 24 brings offers to take a leadership role among friends and team mates. Do not cheat yourself out of a future by holding onto the past. Best days 2,3,7,10,11,19,20,24,25,29
Scorpios’ ruler, Pluto, dips into Aquarius January 20 before moving through Aquarius November 19 for the next 20 years. Pluto did the same dip March 24, 2023 to June 12. Think back to what happened then. Those born during the first 4 days of Scorpio feel the pressure to change the most, but the rest of Scorpio hears the drums of change beating. Evolution will be personal and deep within every Scorpio. You will be better for what you go through in the years ahead. Do not worry. There is a lot to be finished in the days around January 19. Your daily routine is very busy from January 4 to February 13. Drive safely and speak with kindness. You are able to get a lot done January 9. Luck is your lady January 18. Pick the right words to get your way. Do slow down when moving about the planet January 4 to February 13. Work and family matters are very intense during the full Moon January 25. You will have to balance the two. Scorpio receives recognition at work. Make sure to do a great job so that you receive accolades and not disciplinary action. Secure the home and do not leave candles unattended. Best days 1,10,11,14,21,31
Scorpio has to make choices or pick a side. Alliances are shifting and you have the power all month to tease others with your indecision. This tactic can actually turn out in your best interest, especially when you are dealing with tough people and situations. You are looking good this month as long as you do not resort to vengeful behavior. Put that stinger back in your pocket and pull it out for those who act like monsters during the last week of December. Money matters must be handled. Some of you are working diligently to make year end goals while others seem to be spending more than usual. The bleeding comes to an end during the first week of January. The new Moon December 12 compels Scorpio to set a budget and plan to take better care of yourself. December is an extra busy month for Scorpio culminating with the full Moon December 26. While this Moon is harmonious to Scorpio, you may question your faith in yourself. A new adventure is just what Scorpio needs, especially since it will be an intense last week of the year. Best days 5,9,14,17,18
November is a high energy plus you are coming off the full Moon eclipse October 28 that continues to bring conclusions to life. Mars has Scorpio extra excited and busy, but you must handle that energy wisely so that you do not agitate any situation. Mind your words and behavior and put that stinger back in its sheath. Money matters come into focus November 10. Review the investments. Children and other special people need a helping hand or a kind word November 9 and 10. This could rub Scorpio wrong as you have your own challenges November 9 to 15. The new Moon November 13 accentuates Scorpios’ need to be free and many of you will turn relationships loose. The ties that bind are renegotiated. Scorpio or someone you are connected to is experiencing a hardship November 22 to 25. Beginning November 23 until early next January, Scorpio experiences influxes of money, but it will be money that must be spent. The full Moon November 27 brings karmic debts to be paid and some of you will actually payoff a debt. Sharing equitably is important at the full Moon.
Best days 6,16,17,18,21
October opens with confusion about friends. Children have dilemmas and some are not telling Scorpio the truth, but Scorpio, always discovers the true story. With regard to dealing with your health, this is not the time to rub salt on a blister. It is the time to take corrective action. Some of you will have to take charge of someone else’s care. Do it, because helping another will come back to you in the form of good karma. October is full of social planning and networking. Get out and mingle. Your ruler, Pluto, turns direct, October 10. This means you can start to see external results for the plans you have been making since March. Mars moving into Scorpio puts life in full speed ahead. Expect to be in overdrive until November 24. The new Moon eclipse October 14 has the opposite effect in that you will need to recharge in the face of all this activity. If you do not take time out, life will put Scorpio on the bench. Mind your energy. Harsh words and manipulation come to Scorpio October 20/21. Monitor your calls from siblings and neighbors. Drive safely at that time. The full Moon eclipse October 29 brings quick conclusions to all sorts of relationships and legal matters. You will not be sad about these endings. New and exciting connections come to Scorpio in the last days of October. When one door closes, another opens this month. Best days 6,16,25
Venus goes direct in your tenth house of career which means work and career becomes less frustrating. However, Venus transiting Leo until October 8 forms tough angles to Scorpio birthdays. While this is not terrible to experience, you may not feel like working or bosses have unreasonable requests. This is not the time to cut corners or begin a romantic relationship with someone associated with your income. Remember that Uranus is retrograde in your opposite sign bringing situations that are out of Scorpio control. Jupiter turns retrograde in your opposite sign, Taurus, until the end of December. Jupiter retrograde implores Scorpio to practice fair play with those you love and those you are doing business during the months until December. It is also a good idea to be kind to your worst enemies. It is good Karma and will drive them crazy. Isn’t being nice really worth swallowing your pride to see them squirm? Tend to private and personal matters this month and next. The new Moon September 14 brings friends back into the fold and introduces new friends in the weeks ahead. The full Moon September 29 brings recognition or raises at work, but the new workload is heavy. Some of you have had enough of the grind and decide that it is time to look to new career adventures. Best days 9,14,18,23,27
The full Moon August 1 brings the need to balance your work with your family. Make family and friends your priority. While Venus is retrograde until September 3, Scorpio is making up your mind and changing your mind as to what you want out of your career. Part of the process should include how you can contribute to your well being where your vocation is concerned. With Pluto in transition into Aquarius until November 2024, Scorpios are letting go of your past which includes siblings and friends that can no longer have a place in your life. The new Moon August 16 is the time to gear up where work is concerned. Some of you will be getting new managers while others are getting new jobs. This new Moon brings adjustments to your schedule. It will not be easy at first but you will adapt. What was going on with your career eight years ago? Mercury turns retrograde in your eleventh house of friends. Some will disappear while others will reappear. Rethink your goals and your group involvements while Mercury is retrograde August 23 to September 15. The second full Moon, August 30 is a gratifying time as you are safe to express your feelings. Look to new educational and travel opportunities outside of your current country. Travel enriches life for Scorpio in the weeks ahead. Best days 3,12,13,17,18,22,23,25,31
Scorpio has been stuck in the past few months, but once July 18 arrives you are able to see some resolution. Between July 10 and November, you will be starting new ways of working and living. Many of you are questioning the way you have lived and begin new and hopefully healthier habits. Work and those who think they are your boss continue to be a pain in the neck until July 10. From that time until August 27, Scorpio is the Pat Sajak of your friends and teammates. You are must lead by example and with new ideas that appeal to those you lead. Support those people in order that you all are able to accomplish that which you have set out to do for your self and others. The full Moon July 3 brings busy days and messages that are important. Use caution during short trips in the days just before, during, and just after this full Moon. Tend to your responsibilities and clear the clutter from life. The new Moon July 17 ushers in a very busy time wherein you may travel, pursue a connection with the vibration called God, or take a class. Once the new Moon occurs, Scorpios question the rules that have strangled your life. It is time to embrace the one-ness that is you, dear Scorpio. Best days 7,16,26
In the days until July 11, Scorpio is super busy making a name for yourself. Work is sure to be a challenge as you strive to accomplish your goals. While you work to overcome challenges Scorpio must use caution so that you do not alienate the people who can help you on your way up the ladder. Extra effort gets you out of the current stuck spot. Avoid acting toxic especially after June 11. Once June 11 arrives, consider the needs of the people who are around you on a daily basis. This includes siblings and your neighbors. Spend the days until October on a higher plane of existence helping others and thus helping yourself. Let others be who they need to be without interfering. Scorpios grow immensely from that practice. Do something creative without thought to making money from late June 17 until November 4. June 28/29 are great for fun and romance. The full Moon June 3 brings money and your self worth into play. Do not give up your autonomy just to be in a certain situation whether it is love or business. The new Moon June 17 brings karmic endings with other people, but also new financial beginnings. Anything you do to empower yourself between the new Moon June 17 and the next new Moon July 17 results in success sooner or later. Slow down and unplug from the stuff you think you have to do just because you are alive. Scorpio feels much better once you let go of the pressure to succeed. Best days 1,2,30
The big May news for Scorpio is the full Moon eclipse on May 5. This is an intense eclipse that will arouse emotions and passions. Single Scorpios desire an intimate connection while betrothed Scorpios come to realize changes need to take place. This is not to say that you are divorcing, but that your relationships need to evolve. If you are not getting the passion you need, this is the time to talk about what you need in life to be content. Those who feel stuck must wait until after the beginning of summer to feel the wheels begin to turn. Mercury retrograde in your house of relationships brings people from the past through May 14. Slam the door in that persons face. Book a fun trip to a water resort, but do expect schedule changes and lower your expectations. Those fabulous restaurants just may turn out to be loud scarf and barfs with lovely white table cloths. The new Moon May 19 happens in your house of relationships and legal matters. This new Moon can be a catalyst to move or remodel. New relationships can be explored after the new Moon May 19. If you travel, be back at your desk by May 21. You have a lot to accomplish and can make career progress as long as you keep your stinger in your pocket. The days around May 21,22, and 23 are days that are full and super intense. Play nice at that time.
Best days 5,13,14,22,23
Friends and associates continue to drop out of the Scorpios’ lives. This is especially true for those of you born in late October. Meanwhile, other Scorpios are learning that you cannot control life all the time. Mars moving through your ninth house until May 20 bestows the energy to easily conquer most tasks. Home and family matters can get ugly April 3 and 20. Yes, you know the right answers, but it is best to soft sell your ideas.
The full Moon April 5 in the twelfth house means Scorpio needs time alone. While you need rest and recuperation, Scorpio will likely have to help someone with a health challenge. Secrets that are revealed bring sudden changes and possible endings to business or love relationships.
The new Moon eclipse April 19 occurs in the sixth house just as the new Moon last month. This new Moon gives Scorpio a three year push to make lifestyle changes and develop new work habits. Some of you will change jobs or retire in the near future.
Mercury turns retrograde April 21 in your seventh house of relationships. People with avoidant attachment style are sure to cycle through. They will not stay so do not fall for their pleas. Hopefully, it is not you that is wanting to go back to a past relationship. You will just change your mind after May 14. Mercury retrograde in your opposite sign is sure to bring some goofy events so be sure to slow down and back up the computers. Best days 25,26
Saturn, moves through Scorpios’ fifth house starting March 7. This transit compels Scorpio to look within your self for the love that is there. If you are not happy, you have until February 2026 to realize that happiness is right there within you. Do not be the fish looking for water. Your relationships with children are changing and maturing. During this time Saturn is forming a positive angle to Scorpio, thus making all of this an easy process. Hobbies can become sources of income. Avoid investing, but if you must, do your own research and do not depend solely on the financial gurus.
Pluto, you ruler, is transitioning into the fourth house of home and family. Over the next twenty-one years Scorpio puts a jackhammer to the foundation of your life that has been formed since birth. Your deepest self will be explored so that Scorpio can come to terms with the reactions that you have employed thus far in life. You will be getting to the source of your relationships. Power struggles occur and you are ready to lay a new foundation for your life that serves the true you, dear Scorpio. This is a significant time when relationships come to an end for a variety of reasons. Let the tears flow if necessary. This is a good time to employ a guide such as a therapist to get you through this process. You are becoming better but this is a long and arduous process that leaves Scorpio clearer than ever in a long time.
The full Moon March 7 in the eleventh house shines a light on how you interact with the people in your life. Friends and reaching goals makes you feel accomplished. You can be the leader, but many of you will be ready to move on from your current social status. You will suddenly see who are your loyal friends. Help a friend in need.
The new Moon March 21 brings new ways of handling your health. Some of you will become much more active than the recent past. A new health regimen increases your vitality. At the same time, explore new and more efficient ways to live and work. Your lifestyle is evolving and rejuvenating. Best days 1,2,12,20,29
February opens with Scorpio juggling your needs with the needs of career and family. Family wants to be in your house, but work is demanding. Who really is your family? Some of you have job offers while others are getting new bosses. The full Moon February 5 and the days leading up to the full Moon are busy and stressful. Some of you are dealing with dilemma of working at home versus going to the office. Relationships, especially the intimate ones, are revved up through March 25. During the days until then, Scorpio must compromise where love and lust are concerned. Do not lose your identity to that delightful person. Avoid conflict and know that Venus is lifting your spirits and your sex appeal through February 20. During that time it is easier to have your way with your romantic partners. Children have good news and Scorpio can enjoy secret affairs if you are so inclined. The new Moon February 20 begins a lunar cycle until March 21 that brings fun and more opportunities for romance. Turn off the screens and do something creative with your time. Let go of reticence and go for the person or thing you desire. Stay away from the fray and you are sure to experience love and approval. Enjoy your sexy side and put that stinger away. Best days 2,3,12,20
January 2023
January is a productive time for Scorpio in that you are able to communicate your way into reaching the goals you are striving to accomplish. People from the past make contact and want to make nice with Scorpio. That being said, you can put your stinger away and use honey versus poison to make progress. Mars retrograde until January 12 has stifled the drama so Google diplomacy and do that to get what you want, dear Scorpio. Those of you born in the final days of Scorpio make life decisions and changes between now and March 7. The days around January 22 bring commitments and responsibilities that are part of the reason for Scorpio to make changes. Entertain at home even thought that is a bit of a challenge. The full Moon January 6 brings noteworthy messages from siblings and neighbors. Use caution driving at that time and screen your calls. The new Moon January 21 facilitates changes around your home and family dynamics. Watch and listen to what people have to say. You will gain great insight from those who make contact. Best days 6,16,24